Architects : EISENMAN ARCHITECTS THE ZENIDAKA CORPORATIONS + DESIGN COMPANY OF NUNOTANI COMPANY Built in 1991 Edogawa-Ku Tokyo " The land mass of Japan is located on top of the point of collision between the western Pacific continental plate and the Pacific oceanic plate. Friction from the subterranean movement of these two plates into each other has, over millions of years, created the island of Japan through volcanic activity below the ocean surface. Today this activity continues and from the tectonics of plate movement produce earthquake activity. Surface waves which move through the striated landscape in and around Tokyo periodically compress and expand the continious plate structure of the Edogawa district. Thus within this zone the Nunotani building is seen as a metaphoric record of the continious waves of movement as the plates overlap. Simultaneous to this analogue, over project represents an attempt to rethink the symbolism of the vertical office building. Traditionally the vertical building had two metaphoric connotations, the one as a metaphor of anthropocentrism - the human vertebrae as upright, symmetrical, and skeletal - the other, a symbol of power and dominance, in particular phallogocentrism, the sexual structure of power and dominance. Our building symbolically attempts to undermine these two centrisms, first by producing a building that is not metaphorically skeletal or striated, but rather made up of a shell of vertically compressed and translated plates, and second, by producing an image hovering somewhere in between an erect and a "limp" condition. As such the building provokes a discussion which is already commonly understood in related discourse." --Peter Eisenman
NOTICE Address : 2-2-21, Nanba-naka, Naniwa-ku, Oosaka city, Japan Bankrupt : NUNOTANI corporation This property is now managed and occupied by the Osaka District Court based on the adjudication of the Osaka court of law No.8296 (f), 2000. No one can move or transport anything from this property without permission of the Osaka District Court. If you move or transport anything from this property without permission, you may be punish by criminal law. 27th November 2000 Bankrupt : NUNOTANI corporation Receiver : Kanae Chida, Lawyer Address : 4F Okina bldg., 3-2-9 Nishi-tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka city, Japan TEL 06-6312-1621 NUNOTANI BUILDING Mike Bode + Takuji KOGO *candyfactory projects @ Yokohama Triennial October 13 - November 2, 2001 Re-mix for web Korea Web Art Festival : Takuji KOGO *candy factory December 8, 2001
NOTICE Address : 2-2-21, Nanba-naka, Naniwa-ku, Oosaka city, Japan Bankrupt : NUNOTANI corporation This property is now managed and occupied by the Osaka District Court based on the adjudication of the Osaka court of law No.8296 (f), 2000. No one can move or transport anything from this property without permission of the Osaka District Court. If you move or transport anything from this property without permission, you may be punish by criminal law. 27th November 2000 Bankrupt : NUNOTANI corporation Receiver : Kanae Chida, Lawyer Address : 4F Okina bldg., 3-2-9 Nishi-tenma, Kita-ku, Osaka city, Japan TEL 06-6312-1621
NUNOTANI BUILDING Mike Bode + Takuji KOGO *candyfactory projects @ Yokohama Triennial October 13 - November 2, 2001 Re-mix for web Korea Web Art Festival : Takuji KOGO *candy factory December 8, 2001